Our 5 Guiding Principles
The Guiding Principles reflect the values, practices and behaviors which all OTE Group employees follow, as a basis of mutual trust and cooperation. They can and should be a part of our day-to-day work and constitute our competitive advantage.
Our 5 Guiding Principles are the following:
1. Customer delight and simplicity drive our action
• We understand that customer experience (external and/or internal customer) surpasses simple customer service and systematically seek to delight and enable him/her
• We preserve strength for the things which matter the most and we bring, in a direct, simple and effective way, integrated solutions and proposals to all, through technology
• We adopt revolutionary practices, seek and utilize every opportunity for improvement and innovation, aiming to offer our customer a consistently positive experience, as well as the ability to utilize the opportunities of now and tomorrow
2. Respect & integrity guide our behavior
• We act in accordance with the OTE Group’s Code of Conduct, while obeying its’ regulations and corporate policies
• We respect and value our colleagues, associates and customers’ individuality
• We act openly and honestly
• We do not tolerate unethical and irresponsible behavior and act accordingly
3. Team together – Team apart
• We work as a Team and actively seek the opinion of others. We respect others and acknowledge their contribution
• We encourage open communication and dialogue, by criticizing and asking for constructive criticism, aiming at addressing the problem and not the individuals involved
• We actively contribute to the team's work and support the team's decisions, when together or apart
4. Best place to perform & grow
• Utilizing the possibilities offered by technology, we contribute in maintaining an excellent working environment, which aims at high performance
• We take responsibility for our own continuous professional and personal development, highlighting our talent and potentiality
• We act proactively, making the most out of technology tools, and positively accept new challenges as opportunities for development and growth
• We support and facilitate the development of our digital skills for today and for the future
• We are dedicated to achieving best results
5. I am a member of OTE Group. You can count on me.
• We identify ourselves with the company as a "brand" and as an employer who shapes the digital world, aiming to provide everyone, via the support of technology, with the opportunities of today and create a better world for all
• We take responsibility for our actions and deliver what we promise
• We act in the interest of the OTE Group
• We are proud of working for the OTE Group and that is reflected in our behavior, when inside and outside of the work environment.